Thursday 10 November 2016

Black Mirror Review

What if? A question that as humans we constantly ask but never dive into. Why? Because we're too afraid to touch what might be, scared that once we see would could be, we could forget the present.
What if we cycled all day to earn credits? What if our social status relied on a number rating on a app? What if we could re-watch and save our memories? These are all possible scenarios that Charlie Brooker, creator of the hit show Black Mirror has answered these and explored multiple more scenarios in just three series.
Each episode contains a different situation, a different reality, and explores it in detail. The plots are clearly intricately planned down to the most minor circumstances, starting with positives and usually ending with a focus on the corrupt side of the set reality.
This allows the viewer to be drawn in by the sheer audacity that perhaps these ideas could come into play in our reality but then, by the end of the episode you're left staring at your screen wondering why you ever thought the reality would be a positive in the first place.
Praise must be given to Brooker in every way for his incredibly crafted, thought-provoking episodes. From season 1 to season 3, there isn't an episode that leaves you without having touched your mind or heart in some way. You almost want more, then it changes and another reality sets in, spinning you into a new set of values and filling your mind with more questions.
Black Mirror is the type of series that could have endless seasons, endless episodes and you could never get tired of watching it - it's pure brilliance and a breath of fresh air to television in the days of safe reality TV and repetitive talent shows.

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